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Just totaled my '79 F-100!

Just got back from the hospital today, I totaled my truck this past Friday while heading to work. Someone pulled out in front of me and pushed me into an on-coming dump truck. I'm defiantly blessed to still be alive! I escaped with three broken ribs, a broken nose, a broken jaw, broken eye socket, broken finger, fractured knee cap, and over 100 stitches inside and outside my mouth. My mouth was actually ripped off my face when it hit the steering wheel! Makes me sort of wish it had an airbag :) Anyway, the Sherriff at the scene said that the truck was the reason I'm still alive. Trust me, old Ford's are TOUGH!! :) A lot tougher than me unfortunately :) I'll post up some pics of the wreck once I'm able to get out of bed, which may be 2 weeks to a month :( I know one thing for certain, the Lord was looking out for me and I was in the right vehicle at the right time!


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont

Glad you survived, even if the truck didn't.

Trucks are replaceable.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Holy crap, sounds like you're really lucky to be alive. Glad you made it out of that buddy.

Don't worry too much about the truck-- just focus on getting back on your feet.
So did you get the plate # from the truck that hit ya???????

Sorry I had to, G/L on the recovery hope that jacka$$ (the one that pushed you into traffic) insurance company is footing the bill for everything..


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon


Springfield XD-9
WOW!!! Good luck with your recovery...Hope you'll be up and out shoppin for another truck soon!!!
Jeez, my face hurt just reading that. good luck with the recovery.


We will Rise Again
Oh man, sorry to hear about this. Even though you are pretty broken up, you'll heal and be back on your feet in no time. As others had said, trucks are replaceable and you are not. Glad you are still with us. Take Care.


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
HOLY ****ING ****!!!! Dude that is a *****! Good luck and take it easy. Don't do to much and I hope you run that douches insurance through the ringer!
Sorry to hear that. Your truck was one minty unit... Oh well, metal can be replaced, a life can't.

I pray for a healthy recovery, good luck.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Holy hell man...that's terrible. I'm glad you're still kicking though. It's a true shame about the truck, I've been there. Keep us updated on a rebuild or other projects.
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I'm sure I'll heal up just fine over time. I do plan to get another dent side, but finding one as original as mine may take a while. It took me 5yrs. to find the one I just totaled and I had it as a DD for 8yrs., so I was sort of attached to her. I know it's just a truck, but if I were going to be involved in a wreck, I’m honored to do it in an old Ford ;) Thanks again guys.

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