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F550 7.3 Engine Problem

A mechanic at work has an '02 F550 with a 7.3 with intermittent hard starting issues. He's found the hpop oil reservoir low and has had to add oil to same to get it started when this occurs. What is/are the cause/causes of this happening intermittently and what is/are the fix/fixes?


Certified Ford Tech
if the resevoir is low, and he adds oil to the resevoir and she starts, i would check base oil pressure. if the truck is high mileage, then the gearotor oil pump is probably worn.


Staff member
The accumulation of miles would be the first concern. Dont have much trouble with the valve.


Certified Ford Tech
if you do end up replacing the oil pump, make sure you replace the housing as well. also be very carefull, use plenty of lube and be careful. if the front cover is worn or scratched or it gets damaged during replacement, the engine has to come out.


Certified Ford Tech
  • these are some specs. i would check the truck after it sits overnight. if it is a oil pressure problem, then when the truck fires, it should stumble and run rough. does it do this with the truck warm? can someone read pids when it does the no start?
  • DA1606B.gif

    Oil Pump, Oil Cooler and Oil Capacity Engine at Normal Operating TemperatureEngine Oil CapacityOil Pump Drive Gear Radial ClearanceOil Pump Drive Gear End ClearanceOil Pump PressuresLitersU.S. Qts.Curb Idle3,300 rpm69 kPa (10 psi)276-482 kPa
    (40-70 psi)12.313.0a 0.71-0.81 mm
    (0.028-0.032 in)0.02-0.08 mm
    (0.001-0.003 in)

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