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Brian got the transplant!!!


Hitech hillbilly
Staff member
Good to hear your back home. Take it easy and rest and recoop.

Once they get your BP back up the creatinine levels should drop with in a normal range. Brian you know this already but some of the others here may not. Then when your healed up the old ford had better watch out,cause your going to have parts a flying.
I am able to sit up for a little while today. Still get dizzy after a while though, but it is some improvement. I have a huge pile of bills I am trying to get caught up on. Some will be late, since they were due while I was in the hospital. OOPS! I write a few checks and go lay down for a while. :headbang:

Smokey: I am under a lot of limitations. I doubt anything at all gets done to the 56 this year. I can't drive until the 13th of this month and then only to doctors and to get blood work. I have to wear a mask even then until the 22nd (quarantined). I cannot go to church, stores, restaurants or any other public place (AT ALL!!!). I am not allowed to lift over 20# for the next three months after surgery (if everything went well). That means July 22nd at the earliest.

There are some other issues as well, but by then maybe I can work around them. Oh...and dad never has cut the pipe for the carport he promised last fall. Not that I could lift it, weld, and grind it now anyway.:(


PA Chapter leader
central PA

I need to go lay down again. Even sitting here I am getting light headed and a little dizzy. Maybe I am going blond? 'smiliecrazy'[/QUOTE]

Glad u r home. And watch the blond jokes I r one. smiliegitrdone


Charter Member
I am able to sit up for a little while today. Still get dizzy after a while though, but it is some improvement. I have a huge pile of bills I am trying to get caught up on. Some will be late, since they were due while I was in the hospital. OOPS! I write a few checks and go lay down for a while. :headbang:

Smokey: I am under a lot of limitations. I doubt anything at all gets done to the 56 this year. I can't drive until the 13th of this month and then only to doctors and to get blood work. I have to wear a mask even then until the 22nd (quarantined). I cannot go to church, stores, restaurants or any other public place (AT ALL!!!). I am not allowed to lift over 20# for the next three months after surgery (if everything went well). That means July 22nd at the earliest.

There are some other issues as well, but by then maybe I can work around them. Oh...and dad never has cut the pipe for the carport he promised last fall. Not that I could lift it, weld, and grind it now anyway.:(

Well, on the bright side, it's the perfect oppurtunity for you to kick back, put your bills in the mail, then post with us regular and often, with yoru nuggets of wit and wisdom, till you feel the need for a nap. :)



She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
I am online right now (for a few minutes). I am still getting dizzy when I stand for more than 30 seconds or so. Other than that...I am feeling better. Being home (mom and dads at least) helps.
I am still really dizzy myself. I know I run a lower BP more than most people normally, but since the surgery I get dizzy EASY! I know at one point during the night my BP got down to 84/50. The nurse commented on it, and I told her it normally runs 100/50 so that was no shocker to me and she left it at that.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
I have no way of knowing what it is right now. I wish I had a way to Wal Mart, I could have it checked. As dizzy and nauseas as I've been, it must be pretty low.

I know it's nothing to worry about in my case, but it's a yucky feeling.

They probably weren't concerned with me because I run low, you run high, so for yours to be so low is a concern.
you both should get a home BP monitor
Thanks, but I have one Carl. I have worn out many of them over the years. They start giving false readings after so many uses (for me anyway). The most expensive ones at wally world are about $60.

That is hard to come by at times, but it has probably saved my life a few times having one.

Sorry Karen. I do not have an older one that works anymore. I gave one to my uncle when he was so sick (not long before he passed).
Just a real quick update. The "transplant coordinator" got me into another specialist today. How he got me in this soon...I have no clue. Anyway after the drive to Little Rock again was all good news. The problem that I am experiencing is partially due to the surgery (inflamed) and partially due to meds/etc. He thinks we are treating it properly at this time and wants us to continue doing the same and see if it improves. I need to keep him (his office really) updated on progress or problems.

Supposedly he is one of the 3 top doctors in his field in AR. As of last Thursday...they had not even contacted him yet. I am amazed that I was able to get in this quick. LOL

I am back at my parents now. Totally exhausted! Long day. Off to bed now.

I don't have to go to Little Rock again until next Monday. This time back for blood work (8 AM) and to see the "transplant coordinator" again for another checkup.

For those who do not know...Little Rock is just over 3 hours each way driving the speed limit w/a couple of bathroom stops.

Later all,


PA Chapter leader
central PA
You need anything please let us know ... I mean it .


Hitech hillbilly
Staff member
Great news there Brian. Good to see you posting.
If you need anything let me know. If I can ship it you know I will, heck I would drive it out to ya.
Your still on the prayer list.

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