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bad day

Had to go pick my mother, throught I'd stop at the bank, pulling out from the drive thur. and dam I side swipe one of those yellow polls. Going to cost 4k to fix. :headbang: thank for the vent. John


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
Had to go pick my mother, throught I'd stop at the bank, pulling out from the drive thur. and dam I side swipe one of those yellow polls. Going to cost 4k to fix. :headbang: thank for the vent. John
My bank just added on to their drive throughs and they now have an SUV lane that's W-I-D-E-R than the others. I love it when an Explorer goes into it and I pull up on their drivers side and smoke them out as I leave. :)
upst ny
Nancy did that to my truck the 1st time she drove it. she never did it with her lumberwagon of a van. i hate those posts.


Sorry to hear that. I assume you scraped the side pretty bad for 4K worth of damage.

I tapped one with the front fender of my old ranger one. Fortunately, I popped it out from the inside and it never showed. A little rubbing compound and the ugly florescent green paint came off (ours posts are not yellow down here).


They call me Spuds
Middleton, ID
When my bank updated their their drivethrough, wasn't even the first day after they opened it and some one ran into one of the polls.

Sorry to hear about that, I've had my own run in with a simmilar pole; had to check the cables when I was driving my diesel, got it started and had the hood up. Got it started and got out to close the hood and didn't take it out of first (parking doesn't work), put a nice little ding in my fender.
Hate to hear about the damage. Isn't any fun to have to see your truck hurt. Over Memorial day a person hit my wife's new 07 milan while it was parked and left the scene. A guy ran into my boat with his boat and my mom got rearend and totalled her car. All I could say was thank god my truck was ok.

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