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oil bath air cleaner

Very recently purchased a 1965 F100, 352 w/3 spd, and am in the process of sorting things out and cleaning it up a bit. I did run into an unexpected problem when I removed the air cleaner. Ive not seen one like this and was wondering if anyone has an idea as to how to disassemble this thing to clean it? Special tool? Some old twist-off technique? Its not particularly grimy inside so I suspect no one has really added oil to it for some time.


  • Outside.jpg
  • Inside.jpg
I could be wrong but i thought the top and outside ring just pulled off of the base leaving the inner ring with the base. I had the same one on my 65 i6 but admittedly haven't messed with one since I was a teenager. Mine was my dad's and when he passed on I put in a V8.

Now you got me wondering too?
I feel my memory is about as worn out as the i6 that came out of mine

Very recently purchased a 1965 F100, 352 w/3 spd, and am in the process of sorting things out and cleaning it up a bit. I did run into an unexpected problem when I removed the air cleaner. Ive not seen one like this and was wondering if anyone has an idea as to how to disassemble this thing to clean it? Special tool? Some old twist-off technique? Its not particularly grimy inside so I suspect no one has really added oil to it for some time.
Ah, the good ‘ol oil bath air cleaner. Still one of the best for keeping out dust!
To clean, use kerosine in a container large enough to have the oil bath in. Let soak for the day. (More or less time depending on how dirty and contaminated it is)
Rinse well with water and dry thoroughly.
Note! You can not remove the part that houses the mesh.

Many guys have converted oil bath air cleaners to use a paper element while keeping the look original.

On my vintage CJ5 Jeep, I converted the original oil bath to use a paper element.

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