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Tyler's dad is in the hospital (countryboytn)

Tyler said:
atleast there are a few cute nurses around here!

What floor were these nurses on, Bud?


'78 Bronco owner
What floor were these nurses on, Bud?

They all left...

One, this morning was her last day, for a week (vacation)
another one, no idea where she went to...
and, the rest I have seen just wondering the halls....(like 3 or 4) YelloThumbUp


Tennessee Chapter member
Mmmm.... hot nurses! LOL

Glad to hear he's doing better man!

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Glad to hear he is going home, hate to hear it's with oxygen though. Hopefully he will take this as the sign he really needs to quit. It's hard, really hard, but does work wonders.

We'll keep praying for you guys. :)


'78 Bronco owner
Well guys, haven't seen anybody this morning, so no idea what's going on....

But, it's only around 8:30 so it might just be to early...

(I'm getting inpatient, in case y'all couldn't tell.) :rofl:


'78 Bronco owner

Never had to stop but have heard that is the hardest addiction to quit.

I bet it is REALLY hard to quit...

especially for him, because he has smoking for probably close to 45 years.

He really does seem like he is going to stop though! YelloThumbUp:D


'78 Bronco owner
Well, there has been a change in plans.

They can't get oxygen to the house till tommorow, and he can't go home without it...

so he's stuck here again tonight.

This place is really starting to make me mad!! :flipoff::icon_mecker::argue::hammer::box2:


'78 Bronco owner
hospitals suck. They never let you out on time.

It's been like 5days, and we was expecing to be here 3-4 hours.

Mom's freaking out, crying and stuff because we are going back to the house tonight, to wait on the people who are bringing the oxygen tommorrow, and she don't want to leave dad here....

this is getting more stressful by the minute. I'll keep ya'll updated as I can. :headbang:
That really sucks about your dad tyler...

:flipoff: the tobacco companies...
will your dad have a home nurse coming out to the house once a week? It's definitely hard to handle everything. But you gotta be strong for your dad- just think how he's feeling. I'm sure he's just as scared as you guys, if not more.


'78 Bronco owner
will your dad have a home nurse coming out to the house once a week? It's definitely hard to handle everything. But you gotta be strong for your dad- just think how he's feeling. I'm sure he's just as scared as you guys, if not more.

Don't think so, but he will be on oxygen for atleast a cople of days (or until he gets to normal levels)

It is kinda hard to handle everything...but everything will work it self out..

dad's mad (understandable) moms upset (not so understandable) and I'm hearing it from both sides.. :blah: 'drama' lol


Canadian diisabled Yuppie
Although I'm not there to shed a tear with you, I do want you to know I have a found respect for you. Tyler, you are handling this crisis with a great deal of maturity, that's something I lack of terribly, I know, at times. It truly is difficult for me to comprehend you're only 14 yrs old.



'78 Bronco owner
Although I'm not there to shed a tear with you, I do want you to know I have a found respect for you. Tyler, you are handling this crisis with a great deal of maturity, that's something I lack of terribly, I know, at times. It truly is difficult for me to comprehend you're only 14 yrs old.


Thanks, I apreciate it..

And I wouldn't say I'm handling it well...I cried like a baby a couple of times Thursday evening, but I'm trying to stay strong for my parents and the family. I know how the emotions of one person effects everybody, I've seen it happen to many times.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Tyler, crying is not weak. You ARE handling things very well and Tyl is right. I bet your dad is very proud of you. :)

I hope everything went as planned and he's home!


'78 Bronco owner
Yea...I know, but I still don't like to cry...:suspicious:

He got home today...They brought 16 little oxygen tanks(supposed last 2-4 hours each), one big one (supposed to last 24 hours), and a machine that makes oxygen (well...not makes but pulls it out of the air...)

All that in a Honda Element...was quiet funny :slap:

EDIT: forgot to add...he will be on oxygen 24/7 until he goes back to the doctor to find out if anything has improved. If it has they should cut back on it, if not he will probly stay on it just like he is now...his doctors appointment is Jan. 26th I believe...
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Canadian diisabled Yuppie
Quite all right to cry. We're men, we like to verify our 'ducts' are working properly... yes?


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