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Sweating over my accident eek:

:eek: :eek: My 86 Ford extcab got a bump lately. I'm the 3rd owner and it never been in an accident. Well while it was parked at my inlaws. A woman backed ot of a driveway into my drivers door.
When I called to put a claim in they talked about writting it off due to its age. They never asked about miles and such.
So here I'am panicing about my truck being off the street for a small door crumple. So I started looking for an equivalent truck in options and the value. I found one with 15,000 KMS less than mine and it is abeaut and for sale. Asking $8000 for it. SO armed with the info and went in for the inspection of damage. The adjustors said they could not write this truck off. It is low KMs and in too good of original condition. So they are going to fix it. New door skin and chrome door moulding and stripes. $1500. damage. The price of a rusty or high KM truck of that yera and it would of been gone for sure.

Now that is getting done. I will have to save my pennys for next year and get the rest done. It is strating to rust on the box and paint is peeling off the roof andhas already done so on the hood. :
Whatever they decide. At least they are going to fix it. That is the important part. :)

Take a really close look at the door gaps now (even take close up pics) and look close when they get done with the door skin. I have seen body shops replace door skins and the doors never fit right after that (huge or crooked gaps). Just depends on who does the work.

I prefer a salvage yard door if one is available, but they usually do not rust out down here. Rust might be a serious issue with a used door up there (inside).

If you (they-police) know who hit it down here...her insurance would be responsable.

Is the insurance different up there?
Same here her insurance will cover it. I'm taking it to a shop that does resto's and the owner is in a local car club and the 567 car clubs. I recently sold him some parts for a 55 chev 2dr ht.
Yes to fins a good solid door from rust is hard to find in this climate. My door was rust free. so they will put on a straight new panel. Also I'm having them take pictures of the work progress for the history on the truck.
Pics of door removal, skin removaland replacement and prep work and paint. I just wish I could afford to do the whole truck. There are some ares now starting to rust and need to be addressed before they get too bad.
Those will be interesting pics to see. It is rare that I get to see pics of the pros doing that sort of work. Not sure I have seen a pro do a door skin replacement.

Good call on the resto shop. They are sometimes more expensive, but usually do much better work.

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