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still have a fuse problem

ok i pulled apart the steering colum and changed the fuse. everything worked fine. i put the colum back together and it blew the fuse again. what is the prolem? all the wires look good. i am stumped here. any ideas? thanks jdk
Something is shorting. Does it happen as soon as you put the fuse in, or after you do something.
its ok unitl i put the plastic cover back on the steering coulm then it blows again
and turn the key on sorry


don't play well w others
does your bell/buzzer work? could be you have the wire to the key switch pinched
no it does not work. sometimes the buzzer for the seat belt works but not always


don't play well w others
that's a separate circuit, and usually the buzzer just goes bad there. There is a wire going to the key switch, that makes a connection when the key is in. it may be pinched in your plastic, and shorting to ground.
i cut that wire and crimped a in-lne crush connector on it and it still does it. the fuse that blows contorls the gauges and the thing that powers the E4OD


don't play well w others
Is the wire to your o/d shift pinched where it goes to the column off the shift lever?
what does that wire look like? i can see the selctor indicator cable. everything else looks ok ( the wires to the turn signal switch) and the mass of wires on the left side of the coulm


don't play well w others
with the plastic off, look at the bottom of the gear shift, the wires come out there.
and that could be an issue with the plastic on?


don't play well w others
you won't be able to see the wires with the plastic on, plus in your earlier post, you stated that the fuse didn't blow until you installed the plastic. This leads me to believe the plastic pinched, or smashed the wires to the point that they are bare, and being forced to gether, or one is bare, and touchinjg the metal column, being held there by the plastic.
the wire i saw looked like a cable, and it looked ok but idk

ok heres whats going on. Where the shifter goes into the coulm, there is a pin that the shifter pivots on. the pin sticks up about 1/4 in. around the pin and where it goes into the metal, is black from arching. the gauges work, but the transmission will not **** into overdrive and the the touque converter does not lock up. the OFF light at the end of the shifter does not light up and the switch does nothing. if i move the shifter all the way up (to the extreme) the OFF light will flicker when i push the button. the the O/D switch bad? i'm going to try and upload a pic of where its arching at.

i found the problem. the wires were rubbing (i assume) in the shifter its self. i soldered the wire that was broked and wrapped the other 2 withe electric tape and thus far it seems to be ok. thank for the help guys


don't play well w others
Good deal, glad it's fixed

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