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r12 ac


has anyone refilled their r12 ac before? i personally dont mind cruising around with the windows down but sometimes i want my ac, my story was it used to work for a month after i bought it and since then no ac 2 years ago. it blows cold when its cold outside but now 95 degrees it barely goes for a minute then blows mild cool to warm?? conversion time? r132?????


Staff member
This is one of those things where if you ask 10 people, youll get ten different answers.

That being Said, I would get a can of R134a (that's what you meant when you said r132) and charge the thing.

If you have a head set or can borrow one it's not a big deal. charge the thing. It's done every day.

The correct answer, which someone will probably insist is the only one, is to evacuate the system, replace non R134a compatible parts, and recharge it with R134a and the proper oil. From your avatar I assume your truck is a 1992 or later, so it should not have the seals that disagreed with R134a.

Charge the thing and dont look back.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
^^^I'd agree...but I thought you had to retrofit the ports/fittings for them to accept the charging can. I think I picked up the adapters at AZ for like $8.


Staff member
You can use adaptors if you like, or if you have the gauge set for R12 with a can piercing valve, you can just put the R12 headset on with the r134a can and charge the thing. The only thing I can't say is what the pressure or temperature should be, I always have to call my dad and ask him... I can never remember.

Although I think its 35F in a Ford... don;t take my word for it though.
This is one of those things where if you ask 10 people, youll get ten
different answers.
x2! :)

The correct answer, which someone will probably insist is the only one,
is to evacuate the system, replace non R134a compatible parts, and
recharge it with R134a and the proper oil. From your avatar I assume
your truck is a 1992 or later, so it should not have the seals that
disagreed with R134a.
When was it made (month+year from door jam) and what type ports it

Little R12 ports or the big clunky 134a ports?


Either way you can rent an A/C vacuum pump from Autozone for free.
Just be sure to get some A/C pump oil and change it before hooking it
up to your system. Ask if they changed it already? :)

A used R12 manifold set is cheap to get, all it'll prob'ly need is o-rings.
You'll want to buy new hoses to use only on your house A/C tho.

If you're going to get into A/C might as well do it like you mean it, the
tools will pay for themselves real quick.

Also if you're close to Mexico they sell R12 made by DuPont for $10 US
per can over the counter in the autoparts stores. You're-a-peein's and
dumb 'mericans are about the only ones that fell for the lies. LOL :)

Lets see how many will come out of the wood work and 'peat the lies.

Alvin in AZ


This is one of those things where if you ask 10 people, youll get ten different answers.

That being Said, I would get a can of R134a (that's what you meant when you said r132) and charge the thing.

If you have a head set or can borrow one it's not a big deal. charge the thing. It's done every day.

The correct answer, which someone will probably insist is the only one, is to evacuate the system, replace non R134a compatible parts, and recharge it with R134a and the proper oil. From your avatar I assume your truck is a 1992 or later, so it should not have the seals that disagreed with R134a.

Charge the thing and dont look back.

yeah 1992 but to be specific, the door jam says 01/92 yeah i think i meant r134a and yes i do have to buy an adapter since the bottle i had is too large from orielly's (28.99) BUT with the original system being r12 it wouldnt be a problem to add r134a?? yes i i might have to buy a few other hoses and attachments no problem BUT i need to know if r134a can be used in a original r12 system?


Staff member
This is one of those things where if you ask 10 people, youll get ten different answers.

That being Said, I would get a can of R134a (that's what you meant when you said r132) and charge the thing.

If you have a head set or can borrow one it's not a big deal. charge the thing. It's done every day.

The correct answer, which someone will probably insist is the only one, is to evacuate the system, replace non R134a compatible parts, and recharge it with R134a and the proper oil. From your avatar I assume your truck is a 1992 or later, so it should not have the seals that disagreed with R134a.

Charge the thing and dont look back.
The R12 can valve will NOT fit a R134 can by design. The top of the can is completely different. The hoses also do not hok up, for the same reasons the cans do not. I have an R12 gauge set, as well as a R134 set, and the ends on the hoses are different. My BIL used the r12 gauge set on a new home ac installation, ruined the hose seals, now the hoses are junk.
The main key to the conversion from R12 to R134 is the conversion oil. It is what makes the mineral oil of the R12 play nice with the ester oil of the R134. If you just stick R134 in without clearing out the R12 oil and no conversion oil, you will make a peanut butter like mess in the ac system. I know some will tell you that you have to do more, so take what I say as you wish, but I have both R12 and R134 in the same system on the 86, and was working fine last time I ran it. It also has the conversion oil in it. I did nothing more than use the conversion kit. It was that way for the 3 years I ran it, only reason it isn't right now is because I have to finish putting it all back together, the radiator is out right now. I have done several of the conversions, and all have been fine for quite some time afterwards.


Staff member
Must be a Texas thing, nobody does it around here without raping you for it, as well as no one mobile does it at all.
If you have a R-12 system and don't want to play around with
removal of freon, there is a direct replacement for R-12. go to
What's Freeze12 got in it? :)

Didn't see anything on that on the glitzy-sale-pitch webpage. :/

I think I've tried it or its direct competitor, if it's based on R22.

R22 based stuff sucks donkey dick in R12 systems because it's
too high of pressure. BTDT and lost the whole charge including
the oil and also got to replace the over pressure valve too.

YMMV if you ain't in the desert?

Alvin in AZ
I saw that on the webpage after the posting..sorry! There was a replacement that a co-worker in the HVAC dept told me about awhile ago, I want to say cold shot but my memory is slipping like a GM trannie! A company in Lakewood NJ was a distributor for the product. Maybe a web search may help.


Staff member
The thing about these replacements is that they don't seem to get mainstream distributed. You would think if they were really legit, they would be. I see that all of the Freeze 12 is out of stock, likely permanent, and wasn't really a cost effective alternative. There is some other I have heard of, but never can seem to find.
The thing about these replacements is that they don't seem to get mainstream
distributed. You would think if they were really legit, they would be. I see that
all of the Freeze 12 is out of stock, likely permanent, and wasn't really a cost
effective alternative. There is some other I have heard of, but never can seem
to find.
The same people that want to get rid of all our vehicles are at the same time
against all automotive systems that use R12. They tie the replacement R12
makers up in red tape.

Is it true that Australians use hydrocarbon R12?

Mexicans use DuPont made in Mexico R12! LOL :)


I had to quit watching C-Span! :(
I was a C-Span junky. LOL :)

Every time the big 3 automakers were in a congressional hearing about half
of the congress -people- would rake all of them over the coals about how
they were still making parts for our old clunkers and asking when they were
gonna quit doing that! No uncertain words those!

They were making it perfectly clear by calling them "old polluters" etc and
acting full-tilt-righteous about it all. It was gross and disgusting.

You won't see that part on CNN, Fox or anywhere else.

I feel as tho Ford used our parts as a bargaining chip against some
other crap the gov't insiders wanted to rub their noses in. :)

At least Ford kinda survived?

Alvin in AZ


Staff member
You must use the conversion oil or that is exactly what will happen. I do have systems that had the conversion done without cleaning them out still going several years later, but they all had the conversion oil put in.

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