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oil off LineX

If the brakes are good on an A, they'll lock the tires- once or twice. They get hot and lose effectiveness faster than modern cars, though.

On that death wobble...I don't mean to scare you, but my friend's A pickup had a death wobble under braking that ended up being a cracked frame- it rotted out behind the motor mount on the passenger side. Once we got it swapped out, I can't believe it held together enough to drive at all- when he took out the motor mount, it didn't even have enough strength to hold together- and we'd already removed the body and drivetrain.

Parts for the Dodge aren't as easy to find, or as cheap, as parts for the A's (which is why the A is still top of my list for what I'd want to own), but he's found some suppliers that have a lot of the parts he figures to need. About the trickiest part, from what I understand, is the starter-generator unit. They're rebuildable, if you've got a core, but I guess it's not very easy.

Oh damn ill have to go over the frame some time soon. its minimized now that we had the engine rebult cause we also rebuilt the front end. the spring shcakels were finger tight and very damaged. i alway figured it was the sterring box cause it has more slack in it than any model a ive ever driven but ill look ove the frame more thoroly. it used to go into death wobbles when we hit bad bumps to.

Since we swaped everything out it hardly does it but still on ocassion. It used to do it EVERY time you stopped or hit a bump tho. i even learned how to get out of them without stopping he car.
Did his A stop the wobbels when you were done?
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caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Yeah...he ended up redoing everything, though. Found a donor frame, rebuilt all the front end when he swapped it over, and had the body done at the same time. Thread here. If you watch the dates you'll notice that thread ran on for quite a pictures of my friend's truck are in post 41.
Ok ill have to check it out thanks. Im goin to a school for auto restoration and they always have a model A frame already rebuilt so ill be able to get one but hopefully it wont be necesary lol. sorry bout changin the subject on your thread ha ha


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
sorry bout changin the subject on your thread ha ha

No worries...I got my answer. And old cars are way more interesting than my oily Ranger anyway.
Ha ha yeah for sure i like how your more involved when driving the older vehicles. isnt just turn the key put it in gear and drive they throw something crazy at you every once in a while.

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