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Lost my job tonight...


Tennessee Chapter member
Wow, Hate to hear that Karen... I hope you find something soon!


Hitech hillbilly
Staff member
Keep your head up.
Like everyone said there are jobs out there. If one is willing to work they can be found. Might not be something you like but at least it is money coming in.


Staff member
Sad to hear that. Keep your spirits up as much as you can, doesn't do any good to make yourself miserable over it. Do what you can to keep something coming in, and then work up from there.

On the disability, just having a doc write it up won't do it, it took 3 years for mine, and I still have troubles handling a half time job. It took more than just my screwed up back to get it, it took another tragedy basically to push it over the top so I could actually get it. If it is something they can't verify easily, like being blind or wheelchair bound, it will be a fight to get it usually. I can't say what made yours apparently so easy, most are not. Also, just having everyone file clogs up the system so that the real cases don't get heard for that much longer. I am not proud I am on disability, but it was a necessity, it was hard to get anyone to hire me as it is. I got lucky the manager at this Autozone didn't care about the back, he wanted my experience. He was the only one to give me a chance at all, no one else ever called back. Also, the pay isn't all that great on disability, I get less than half what I was getting when I was working as a welder. The welding jobs around here would pay me about 3 times what I get on disability, wish I could handle going back.


Oilfield Trash
I hate to hear that. i know exactly how you feel. i lost my job new years eve. I am finally starting a new job next week.

I firmly beleive that every thing happens for a reason. You will come out of this better than ever before.


Texas Chapter Leader
i agree everything does happen for a reason, dont let it bring you down. If you want take a few days re collect your self, then start looking for a new job, dont let it bring you down, take what you learned from your old job and look for a new one.


Canadian diisabled Yuppie
There's only two ways to claim disability. Mentally and/or physical. Print up a few pages of this board to secure your mentally disability status.



FTFS Designated DRINKER!
Wow that sucks She Devil sorry to hear that.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Hit the ground running, Karen. You'll be alright.

Whatever you do, don't go on disability. There's nothing like bringing in a paycheck you didn't earn. I couldn't even morally do it unless circumstances were extreme - someone has to earn the money that magically appears on disability checks and most folks want to earn their own, not make someone else their slave.

Maybe see if the Clinton's need a house sitter or things done around the house.
Ryan, you do what you gotta do. It could hold her over until she gets a real job. You pay into disability with each pay check you "rightfully" earn. It's her money- she's just tapping into it. Am I wrong for "bringing in a paycheck" that I "didn't earn"? No- I can't work. Literally. With all the stress of Karen losing her job, she's more susceptible to injure her back. Stress weakens muscles and such. I'd rather her have a paycheck that she earned (by paying into disability since she started working) rather than her have no income with children to feed and then hurt her back and be screwed. I guess we have different ways of thinking- and that's ok.
Ryan, you do what you gotta do. It could hold her over until she gets a real job. You pay into disability with each pay check you "rightfully" earn. It's her money- she's just tapping into it. Am I wrong for "bringing in a paycheck" that I "didn't earn"? No- I can't work. Literally. With all the stress of Karen losing her job, she's more susceptible to injure her back. Stress weakens muscles and such. I'd rather her have a paycheck that she earned (by paying into disability since she started working) rather than her have no income with children to feed and then hurt her back and be screwed. I guess we have different ways of thinking- and that's ok.

Ever heard of a thing called unemployment!?

:rofl: Sorry Trista... couldn't resist...


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Sorry to hear it. I'm solid through July . Then ???? We R bidding everything . MAy end up in TExas yet . Thank God for Banks and hospitals . And they have stopped allot. (we lost a 3 millon dollor job) The have funds just scared to spend it.

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