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Filler hose

What could cause a filler hose not even a year old to tear out in the side? Either that or someone cut it and siphoned gas out of my Aux tank. Don't really know how much was in there, as the sending unit reads empty all the time. Any ideas? Also has anyone fabbed some metal kind of metal covers to cover over the rubber hose part? I can't have this happening if it was cut. Think this type of stuff is going to get worse as gas gets more expensive.


La Vergne, TN
do you have a locking gas cap? if you do then its very possible someone cut the line and siphoned like that. if someones gonna siphone gas out im gonna let them do it easily that way they dont cut and tear up ****... luckily its next to impossible to get away with it where i live...
I do have locking caps. Didn't really consider that when I got them, that someone would cut the actual fill hose. Pisses me off, that filler hose was 50 bucks. I may try to fab up some kind of metal cover then to either rivet or screw in there. Hopefully that will make them decide it's not worth it.


La Vergne, TN
I do have locking caps. Didn't really consider that when I got them, that someone would cut the actual fill hose. Pisses me off, that filler hose was 50 bucks. I may try to fab up some kind of metal cover then to either rivet or screw in there. Hopefully that will make them decide it's not worth it.

thats what alot of people do.... they can still get into it if they really want to if you screw it in.. they just need a screw driver with them...

but it'll take long enough that most a holes will pass and move on to the next vehicle...
I did make the cover for the rear tank rubber filler hose portion. Got a piece of galvanized sheetmetal for like a wood burning stove chimney, and bought some metal plumbers strapping that has holes in the middle of the strapping, and bought some allen head bolts and some nuts and put 3 straps around the sheetmetal.

One of the straps is right up against the frame, and after tightening them down, I folded the extra strapping to cover the nuts, and figured it less likely they'd have an allen wrench with them to loosen the bolts. A word of warning to others, if they did this to me, they can do it to you too. Might consider making some kind of metal shield as some insurance against thieves.

So I'm wondering if anyone has an extra front (not in cab) rubber filler hose lying around that they'd sell me for cheap. Just bought the one they cut less than a year ago, 50 bucks, can't afford a new one right now. Let me know, thanks.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Not to be a buzzkill, but when fuel prices broke $4 last time, I remember folks drilling in to fuel tanks to drain them...especially vehicles with plastic tanks. So here again, I don't want to seem apathetic to prevention...but someone siphoning fuel from my tank to the tune of $50-60 in fuel, sounds alot better to me than a $250-300 fuel tank and $50-60 in fuel.

That said, sorry about the hose, I can't help you on that. But I do like your slice prevention gizmo...maybe fab up a skid plate for the tank too????
Well both of my tanks are steel, so I doubt they want to be drilling on the tanks due to the heat build up/risk of sparks, but I guess if they're determined, there's nothing that will stop them. Hadn't really given skid plate/tank protectors much thought, but might become a necessity if thieves keep coming.


Texas Chapter Leader
Also, being that you have a larger truck... they might think larger gas tank, bigger haul for the same risk...

So you would be more of a target than your neighbor with a honda, that and its easier to get to your gas tank....

Just a few more thoughts...
A thief wirh a brass punch and a neoprene hammer would have fuel flowing rather quickly into a drain pan


Texas Chapter member
we can still shoot thieves in Texas!

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