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electronic ignition to points

Why go backwards ?

You have an optimum coil with DSII and a longer lasting distributor with DS II

The 460 dist would fit a 351M but I think you would be going backwards
Why go backwards ?
He know-ed all that already, Dennis. LOL :)

My father in law got a '74 SCS 460 in late '73 with points.
My brand new '75 came with electronic ignition and its "flimsiness" was a
topic back then and suggestions to getting and carrying a spare distributor
was a common topic for years, from all over the place.


Survivalist are a funny bunch, it's best not to question their thinking. ;)
They aren't hurtin' anything and what they do is actually just plan ahead.
What's wrong with that? You aren't against them being more prepared than
-you- are ya? ;)

No, I'm not into it, leave me out of it, thank you very much. :/
Just looking at it from their POV is all.

Just got done reading a book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and figure
lots of guns and ammo will be good to have when/if the **** hits the fan.

There won't be anybody to shoot at, that's not how it's going to happen.
But you'll be able to trade the guns and ammo for food tho! LOL :)

There's no good guys 'n' bad guys, just "puppet masters" and they -are-
-both sides-! We are just the puppets/fodder. :) Check it out for yourself.

Alvin in AZ
ps- Griffin is way too alarmist IMO, YMMV.
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Clown of Death!
Just carry extra electronics in an ammo box, and if you're still alive after the blast just change them out!!!
I figure if I'm close enough to a nuclear blast that the EMP knocks out the electronics in my truck my testicles falling off from radiation would be a bigger concern than driving to the store for a pack of smokes.

That's just me though.

not a nuclear blast-some sort of meteor.


Flatheads Forever
And then how do we get fuel? Better keep a spare horse in the lead-lined bunker...

Not to worry - Speedway will have a conversion kit on the market within two weeks of any disaster. It won't work but we'll feel better trying........

Not to rain on anybody's parade but unless you are totally self-sufficient today it won't make much long-term difference anyway. Best to roll up our sleeves and work together to keep society from imploding.


That's how we roll!
It does seem a bit backwards to go to points, but I don't see any reason against it if you are fine with changing points often. It isn't a big deal. I don't mind them in my truck.


Staff member
As long as it is old school mechanical diesel, no Powerstrokes.
Model T, the original EMP ready car.


Forget this EMP, nuclear, asteroid crap. Give me a version of the apocalypse I can get behind. Zombies, hordes and hordes of zombies. Oh yeah.


That's more like it.


Staff member
Either diesel is a good choice, the 6.9 built right and tuned right can be a quite the beast as well.


Staff member
I'm with ya there, wouldn't mind picking one up myself. I have a 78 150 shortbed 4x4 that I wouldn't mind putting a 4bt into...motor seems to be stuck, so why not?

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