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Category Button

Seen this on another board, thought it was pretty cool..

Was thinking of creating:

New Category "Fabrication" with the following in it:
Fabrication Discussion
Cad Design
Misc Tools

What do you think?

Kinda like breaking Outdoors to

What's nice about them all together, is sometimes your question can be answered by someone not visiting the specific forum. A hunter may have a favorite tent for instance and sees the question in the outdoor forum, but wouldn't have visited a camping forum.

I don't hit too many of the vehicle specific threads and imagine there are quite a few fabrication posts/projects as part of someone's build thread?

What would be cool is a category button similar to a report post button. You're reading a post/thread and think, "you know that's some good detail on tig welding" and you hit the category button. Up pops a list that you select tig. That creates a link from an index to the thread/post.
The Internet "TAG" line for files would work.

How many of you tag images you own on you online sites?

I started to tag some so anyone looking for something would come to my site instead of that Other site ;)
I was thinking more along the lines that you hit the category button. Up pops a list that you select whatever category fits best. That creates a link from an index (say the tech forum) to the thread/post.

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