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79 F-150 Truck Need to replace Dash Pad


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
the mods are staring out and all variations :( even in PM's

The way I see it...they're getting a little proud of their site over there. It is a good site...but geezus, they need to relax a bit on the rules over there. Give a guy a little power and it goes straight to their heads.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Do what Ben does and just tell em to email ya privately.

Yeah...that only works so long...then they take away your PM's/emails so you can't tell anyone to shoot you an email at your private address. Then if you bring it to a thread...they make you invisible to everyone else.

I don't get it...I always thought competition is what made people better.

French Turd Enthusiasts=Obango

FTF= Andrew Jackson (the people's president)

1985 Ford F-150

Country Boys Can Survive
Tooele, Utah
Yep there ya go. Kinda rediculus that they wont let ya do that guess they want more money or somethin. It aint like they cant spare the members.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
no one has broken the rules yet but I just thought I'd say that one of our primary rules is 'no bashing other websites.' Just throwing that out there.

Now back to your regularly scheduled dashboard replacement program...



We will Rise Again
Since we are already off topic, "the other" has redone their contacts, PMing, Email request and what not so there is nothing "private" over there. They have made it hard to recruit. Go figure.
Rattle can.
It isn't about bashing.

It is all about getting them to site that isn't all about is about The PEOPLE.

They showed how they REALLY think of people when they did what they did to me.(Childish attitude towards people) The anti-social or anti family attitude at the top.

On here we have the knowledge base and the right kind of people without MONEY being the driving force... That is the message.


California Chapter member
I believe I brought someone over here very recently. Or at least answered a question for them on where someone else was. Too bad I had to do it in a PM though. Hey! It's a free country last time I looked, so if there is an answer here that isn't over there, or over there thats' not here, then whats' the problem?! I still look on both sites, as well as many others, and if I see someone I can help there I do, if not I refer them to someone or somewhere else that may be able to. If I get banned for that than so be it. I don't feel I am breaking any rules. I truly believe there is enough information and people to go around.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I said that no one has broken the rule about bashing the other site, but when I see this fruitless topic come up again and again, I throw in the disclaimer. Usually my effort is to squelch talk about them entirely because I don't think they're worth the time of day, and we do not build our self image on them, or in opposition to them.


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