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Mmmmmm......if it's


Kansas Chapter member
one of the photos shows a receipt for rust protection, dated 2/79...the same month the inservice date on the owners warranty card...but obviously it could have been recoated anytime...also don't like how high the temperature gauge is in that one photo (regardless of the fact that the factory guages are inaccurate, still way high)...


Staff member


Licensed to Represent!
Ah ,I see it!

Its $ 15,200 an reserve not met.:drop:

He's asking too much for it.....the wrong buyer will come along and overpay because they don't have friends like I do on here! :wasntme:


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
I don't know if there was a reserve on it ,but the 35 bids jacked
the price up to over $14,000!

Same thing happened to an 'all original' freewheeler bronco a month or two back. Several vehicle mags/forums/blogs jumped all over it without properly vetting the Bronco. Got all sorts of bids, actually sold. Feel terrible for the buyer, it wasn't what was claimed and at best had the freewheeler chromatic stripes added later in life. Buyer beware, I suppose.

He's asking too much for it.....the wrong buyer will come along and overpay because they don't have friends like I do on here! :wasntme:

I'd be willing to bet the seller has friends pushing that bid up though.


Licensed to Represent!
Same thing happened to an 'all original' freewheeler bronco a month or two back. Several vehicle mags/forums/blogs jumped all over it without properly vetting the Bronco. Got all sorts of bids, actually sold. Feel terrible for the buyer, it wasn't what was claimed and at best had the freewheeler chromatic stripes added later in life. Buyer beware, I suppose.

I'd be willing to bet the seller has friends pushing that bid up though.

Probably......that happens a lot on eprey!
In my opinion and the state of good ol Calif.,its rendered useless do to
smog laws!

And its not worth that type of money for 2wd model!
on top of that ,its blotched.

Ive seen better models in better shape go for half that!....:)


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
And its not worth that type of money for 2wd model!
on top of that ,its blotched.

Ive seen better models in better shape go for half that!....:)

That's what makes me think he has friends pushing the bid. Are there 15-20k (even some 25-30k) trucks out there...absolutely. But this ain't them.
mm O mm said that the water temp is reading way too high. Just out of curiosity, where should it read for normal operation? On a hot day mine is right at or just slightly below half for normal. Then again, I still have to install the fan shroud that I bought from Dennis Carpenter.

mm O mm said that the water temp is reading way too high. Just out of curiosity, where should it read for normal operation? On a hot day mine is right at or just slightly below half for normal. Then again, I still have to install the fan shroud that I bought from Dennis Carpenter.


On my 68 with 360 ,mine stays between c and mid range on the
heat gage on normal driving around town ,however it does climb
to the middle if it sits at idle for too long.
Does cool back down again after I start moving!.
And that's with out a shroud!:)
That reminds me of the 1978 Super Cab I had years ago, except mine had a 351 and was black and had the old school Houston Astros red, orange, and yellow striping. Other than the fact that it had a completely different motor and color, it was exactly like this one!
Cb, that sounds right about the distance where mine is located. Hmmmm. Sometimes when (like today) the temp is about 90 or slightlt above and it sits for a spell in the parking lot, it heat soaks a bit. When I start it up the needle goes up some then settles back down to right on about half. Wish I could get mine closer to where yours is but I think I won't be able to do that until I install the shroud.
Cb, that sounds right about the distance where mine is located. Hmmmm. Sometimes when (like today) the temp is about 90 or slightlt above and it sits for a spell in the parking lot, it heat soaks a bit. When I start it up the needle goes up some then settles back down to right on about half. Wish I could get mine closer to where yours is but I think I won't be able to do that until I install the shroud.

Its about a 100 deg temps where I'm at when I drive around.

Do you have air-con with the air cooler mounted in front of the radiator?
CB, I have air on my truck but it is inop. The cooler tho is in front of the radiator. I suppose that would restrict the flow through the core. Maybe that is significant....
CB, I have air on my truck but it is inop. The cooler tho is in front of the radiator. I suppose that would restrict the flow through the core. Maybe that is significant....

I ran across 2 fella's in a believe to be a 72 ford pickup that was over heating ,
an they were driving it from here in Calif. to Texas.

I looked at it for them to see what it could be ,but everything looked to be
working propely ,the radiator fluid was flowing good.
Then I looked at the front of the radiator behind the grill ,an it had this
big ungodly air-con radiator in front of it.The air -con didn't work any ways ,
so told them if they removed that ,the radiator may receive better air
flow and cool better.
CB, very good point! I do believe that the AC cooler does restrict the flow. No doubt. My mechanic said that it would cost $100 to convert my AC and test for operation. If it still does not work I have to think very hard about keeping it on the truck at all. In Tennessee we get 90+ degree weather about two or three months out of the year. Mid 80s or less the rest. And the engine compartment would look a lot cleaner without all that AC stuff! :)
BTW, I grew up in Cali, Riverside area. Only been out here for about 10 years.

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