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Hello Everyone

Ok, I made a promise i would register with this site to JR. Hello again JR :wavey:
I am a new member to this site, but after searching the forum it seems that y'all are a laid back bunch and I am glad to be here. I own a 1996 F150 Centurion Conversion that I am very proud of. Which is how JR talked me into joining this forum...
So hello to all, I'm sure I'll have a question or two to ask in time. And I look forward to being a part of the group.
Have a great day
Welcome to the site, crysan. C'mon in and make yourself comfy. Post up and post often, we want to hear all about your truck. I also want to be the first to tell you...

:post pics:

So post em up!!! We want to get a good look see at your truck.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Gorgeous truck! Too bad it's not white :nana:

Lol, I'm kiddin. I've got a white 95 Centurion (click on my signature for more pics). I saw your pics on another site, glad you decided to join up! :)


Post Whores Make Me Sick
How am I doing, Skan?
Ehh, not too bad. I just got off the phone with my financial adviser (aka, ME) and he said that Brad's price for my truck is now up to $15,000. Lemme know when the check is in the mail.

Let the record show that Brad WILL NOT let me sell my truck unless I sell it to him. How's THAT for liking red trucks 'toetap'

Awesome truck Cry. Welcome to the joint. Disregard the people that tell you I'm a commie at any point.
I am the commie fighter in this place. I let them stay anyways 'cause I'm a nice guy.
Mike-Awsome, I've never seen another one like mine.

Really don't WANT to sell it, but think I may have too. I have three horses and as much as I love my truck it doesn't have the suspension to support a gooseneck 3 horse slant trailer. I've looked into adding Airbags or a heavier shock, but have pretty much been told the same thing. "It's not worth the trouble" But..... I love my truck so it's a hard choice. My truck defines me and besides I think I look pretty darned cute driving it. :cool:
Anyway, i know it has the engine and the tranny to handle the load it's just the suspension that's giving me trouble. I'm not that fond of the idea of selling just looks like I may be forced too, unless I have an Epiphany that will solve the issue.
Still researching and looking into it... the idea of having a car note again makes me cringe. I love that my truck is MINE LOL

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