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how to adjust/replace seat belt tensioner

is there a way to adjust how my seat belt retracts? it's fine while driving, but when i get out it barely retracts, if at all.

is it adjustable or replaceable? it spends half of its life in the door hinge.


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Once they go south not much to do . I have taken them out of truck and Cleaned dirt chunks out and a little lube . Helps some time others no. Allot of yard will not sell if hit up front. But you should find some fine. (gray right)
bummer - i guess it's worth a shot trying to take it apart and clean it.

truck is pretty clean so i doubt there's much crap in there

interior is blue if anyone finds one in good shape
bump - any other miracle thoughts?

can i take one out of the back and swap it with a front one? are they the same? are they a pain to get to?

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