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Fram Synwash filter


Nope. I don't use fram filters.

There are several drop in washable filters on the market now though.

I even have one for my MAC intake that is stainless mess that you just wash and stick back on. It is a cone shape like my MAC filter. If I ever screw up the MAC one, I will give it a try.
I read a post some time ago where the poster claimed the only place he'd use a Fram filter was on his weedeater. Having said that, Fram I think for the most part, is not held in very high regard.


They call me Spuds
Middleton, ID
I've got a K&N in the F-150 as it was there when I bought the pickup, I couldn't tell you what filter is in the Toyota though.

There was a site that I saw over at FTE about filters and oils and such, Fram wasn't held high. with that said I firmly believe you get what you pay for no matter what it is.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
hmm... I have a K&N for the reusable factor. I wonder if it's any good.

I heard of the flip side that most filters are rebadged from an original manufacturer. What's the real story?


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