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93 lightning pcm

so I am looking for a 93 lightning pcm and I see that there is 5 different ones, and one being for maf, so my question is can I use say
C3P2 5.8 1993-95 Lightning SD-Bank / E4OD / F3TF-12A650-AC
instead of
C3P1 5.8 1993-95 Lightning SD-Bank / E4OD / F3TF-12A650-AB <-- the one I have.
the c3p2 is more easily found then the c3p1 or do I need to stick with the correct matching one.


Staff member
Chances are the C3P2 is an upgraded pcm to your current one. It may also have a few other sensors installed to help with the pcm algorithm. It may work perfectly or it may cause a CEL, or not work at all. Best bet it to contact the pcm manufacturer and or the seller and ask the differences between the 2.


don't play well w others
In my own world
maf and map are 2 different computers, and begin half year 94. the maf and map systems are not compatible. You also need to have the proper program for the transmission whether you have a e4od, or a fr70 w.
Like Doc said you would be best talking to the pcm rebuilder for your best fit
Chances are the C3P2 is an upgraded pcm to your current one. It may also have a few other sensors installed to help with the pcm algorithm. It may work perfectly or it may cause a CEL, or not work at all. Best bet it to contact the pcm manufacturer and or the seller and ask the differences between the 2.

ok sounds good, thanks for the input on this.

maf and map are 2 different computers, and begin half year 94. the maf and map systems are not compatible. You also need to have the proper program for the transmission whether you have a e4od, or a fr70 w.
Like Doc said you would be best talking to the pcm rebuilder for your best fit

yea i wasn't considering the maf one

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